December 1, 2006

01/12/06 - APT 5 Opening Night

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Thank you Johnathan for the dinner! =)

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This was how packed and happening the opening night was and many people specially dressed up for it! Its the first time I am attending such a grand opening and its really an unforgettable!

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This is an interesting artwork by Japanese artist, Yayo Kusama. Its called the "Infinity Room". When I went into the small room, I suddenly lost my sense of space and feel like I am floating in space.. Its very interesting!

I have always wanted to see the works of the Asian artists whom we have learnt about, during the last semester. Now that I am given this chance to see some of the works right in front of me, I suddenly realise how great the difference is, between looking at the real work itself and its reproductions.

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This is a pict of me having a pict taken with another interesting artist. He believes in e presence of the 'other beings' (e.g. alien) and he calls himself Pope Alice.

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